The following articles demonstrate what has been happening on Puerto Rico regarding the different points of view of conservative vs. liberal people in the country with the issues concerning Law 54. This law attends the problem and fights against domestic violence, for the main part. The amendments people want to make in the Law 54 focuses on equal rights for all. But the topic has become controversial because of issues surrounding the possibility that these benefits would be given same sex couples that are also fighting for their rights in a society that discriminates against them.

The article "Se excedieron nuestras expectativas" discusses how different denominations of the religious community protested against the possibility of gay people benefiting from the law, because mainly they want to defend the traditional family in Puerto Rico. Since this sector has been asking for the approval and benefits of the law to be applied to them, the traditional and conservative majority of our country feel that this threatens what a family, marriage and normal childhood should be.

Either in favor or against the amendments to the law 54, people have been asking for a major involvement from the government. In the article "Exigen una posición clara del Gobernador en cuanto a Ley 54" representatives and women from CLADEM  are protesting and asking for the ensuring of all the campaign promises governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla made of making amendments that benefited women and victims. Nobody is clear on wat to expect by now. They want promises delivered concerning these rights  and are not keen to keep waitin for a response and more than vain promises, they are expecting action and involvement from the government.

My opinion
I know that many people are passionate in fighting for equal rights and persuading society into the acceptance of expanding the view of family. I think anybody and everybody is entitled to an opinion, especially since times are changing and whether we like it or not, whether we agree or not,   the concept of family is clearly changing. The purpose of  Law 54 is to protect our rights and lend a hand to those who fall victim in social and political problems that the justice of our country is failing miserably in protecting.  For example, domestic violence needs to be stopped. Nothing major is being done to protect peoples’ lives.  That worries me.

But the problem in Puerto Rico is that no one ever discusses things rationally. They waste so much time thinking about themselves and give more importance to what they want and what they need that all they ever do is form riots and make protests. "Todo es si o si" and like little kids they want it by now or they start making "berrinches". Everybody speaks and wants to be heard. But that is precisely the problem. No one ever listens to each other. No one values the other person's opinion. And frankly, that’s why is so hard to deal with politics and social problems in Puerto Rico. We're always defensive and people do not learn how to PEACEFULLY resolve our problems. So, how can they expect a response without cooperation?

 Concerning the participation and the rights of the gay and lesbian community, all I can say is that I respect all my classmates that have or choose an alternative lifestyle, but some of us have religious beliefs so I believe this is a delicate and controversial topic to address in this class. So I will remain neutral in discussing it.

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