  Documentary: In Plane Sight (2004)
I'm not really infatuated with watching documenteries. However, this documentary had a huge impact on me because it came out 3 years after the events of 9/11, event that shocked a lot of people, including myself. I was in 8th grade and still remember every detail vivdly and how my whole class reunited in an office and watched everything on TV. The following day everybody was talking about the tragedy because nobody understood what happened and how it happened. I remember that our history teacher brought newspapers to the whole class and discussed it with us. The images that were printed are pictures that I haven't forgotten; specifically images about people throwing themselves down are images I will carry in my mind forever.   But nobody understood what was behind this really. Even I kind of got hung up on finding an explanation. Tipically, a lot of theories were told. But on the 5th anniversary (2005) this documentary came up in a class discussion and the professor made copies for all of us. I still keep mine. It talks about conspiracy theories behind the attacks and opens our eyes to evidence and facts that were overlooked or that the government tried to hide. That's why I liked it so much. It helped me question the events and research to find the truth behind it! Watching it may lead you to other possibilities and/or theories, but that's the point: to make you question the facts and maybe make sense into something that never made sense to much of us. 

I actually found that there's a Director's Cut footage on YouTube. Im not sure if it is the original or not but when you get the chance, please watch it. It'll make you think!!!!

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